Month: March 2020

Chaos and Virus, 50 and 100 years Ago


Fifty years ago, in the spring of 1970 the stable American life of the post-World War Two was being shattered by Vietnam War protests on college campuses all across the land. Culminating with the shooting at Kent State where 4 students died in a National Guard fiasco that still wrinkles brows to this day.




100 years ago we had race riots and the red scare (Russia had just become the Soviet Union) and the world was just recovering from the influenza pandemic of 1918-19; which killed 40 million people, including 675,000 Americans.

So here we are March 2020.

The market crashed, and the world is in a panic about a virus and on a personal level my father passed away unexpectedly. Welcome to early spring of Year 5 of Shemitah Cycle 6.

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